Lincoln Park Main Street will celebrate May Day Freedom Day this Saturday, May 18, in the historically and culturally rich Lincoln Park area of Fort Pierce. There will be a full day of free events celebrating Florida’s Emancipation Day. Although the official Emancipation Proclamation to free all enslaved people was announced on September 22, 1862, <i> …Read More</i>
Discover the Pride
Lincoln Park Main Street
Lincoln Park Main Street is a nonprofit organization dedicated to revitalizing a section of Fort Pierce that has been home to a thriving Black culture and community for decades. Its ambitious plans call for restoring some of Lincoln Park’s historic buildings, bringing more businesses to the area, updating infrastructure and welcoming more development.
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Historic Sites In Lincoln Park

Highwaymen Trail
The Highwaymen, also referred to as the Florida Highwaymen, are 26 storied, world-renowned African American landscape artists who originated in the City of Fort Pierce. The Highwaymen Heritage Trail is a self-guided engaging and educational experience that recognizes these mostly self-taught landscape artists who have strong local, state, national, and international significance.

Granny's Kitchen
A staple in the Fort Pierce community and the Treasure Coast as the place for good food and equally good conversation. Owned by Charles and Hassie Russ, Hassie tested out her cooking on famed author Zora Neale Hurston, who taught Hassie English at Lincoln Park Academy in the late 1950s. Granny's Kitchen closed it's doors in 2018.

Lincoln Park Academy
Today, Lincoln Park Academy is a magnet school of choice, rated A+ by the Florida Department of Education, and has been listed as one of the nation's most outstanding high schools by Newsweek magazine. The school's roots reach back to 1921 when an ambitious group of African American families worked to raise money and support for the area's first four-year black high school—at a time when there was no high school available for African Americans south of Palatka (Putnam County, north Florida). When Lincoln Park Academy was accredited in 1928, it was one of only four accredited African American high schools in Florida. The school achieved its status in part thanks to Principal James A. Espy, who insisted that (most) teachers have college degrees, an almost unheard-of requirement for this time.

Pine Grove Cemetery
A historic Black cemetery and the final resting place of five original Hall of Fame Highwaymen Artists. One of two historic markers are displayed at the cemetery highlighting the Highwaymen Heritage Trail.
Latest news
In celebration of Jazz Appreciation Month, Jazz on Moore’s Creek is Back! Friday, April 19, 2024 at the corner of Avenue D and 8th Street (434 N. 8th St). Entertainment will be provided by BStew Quartet. Food Vendors onsite include Bar-B-Que, Fish, Wings, Conch and refreshing beverages! Social networking begins at 5:30 pm and BStew <i> …Read More</i>
Our Mission
To promote and market the Avenue D corridor as a viable redeveloped district; preserve the historic character of the buildings; attract business and industry; and assist new and existing businesses in redevelopment/revitalization. LPMS continuously strive to educate, inspire and promote the advancement of entrepreneurship throughout our regional borders.

Lincoln Park Main Street
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